
A simple file browser distributed as a custom element

Primary LanguageSvelteMIT LicenseMIT

file-manager custom element

npm Test

You want a simple file browser for your website, without the hassle of a front-end framework ? Here is a simple custom element for you.

First register the custom element (the lang is infered from the html "lang" attribute)

import {FileManager} from 'filemanager-element'
import 'filemanager-element/FileManager.css'


Then you can simply use your custom element whenever you want

<file-manager endpoint="http://your.api.com/endpoint"></file-manager>

You just have to implement the API following this Open API specification and it will work out of the box.

To interface the editor with your system (for instance when a file is selected) you can simply bind listeners

const filemanager = document.querySelector("file-manager");
filemanager.addEventListener("close", () => {

filemanager.addEventListener("selectfile", e => {
  console.log("fileSelected", e.detail);


Attribute Description Default
endpoint The base url for the file and folder API
layout Files layout "rows" or "grid" grid
lazy-folders Should all folder be lazy loaded with a new call to the API false
hidden Work like the default HTML attribute false


Name Description
close The user clicked on the overlay to close the modal
fileSelected The use selected a file