
Simple db engine for education purpose

Primary LanguageGo


This project originated from tremendous boredom I recently experienced. When I say boredom, I mean that I was not learning anything new. It's really challenging for me to stay motivated when learning new technologies or tools if I don't pick a challenging project to implement what I want to learn. In other words, creating REST APIs in different languages is no longer my chosen learning method. Nor is creating test templates, or just some POCs (unless I'm really interested in seeing how something works).

After working with ML projects, Python, and a lot of data for a while, I strongly felt that I had to learn a new programming language (and probably a spoken language as well). I saw some interesting projects built with Golang, Rust, and many other languages. However, this time, Golang won the race.

I've read a lot of content about the language and followed some tutorials on how to work with it (while conducting my own personal tests). I even read the official book, but I lost interest halfway through.

The advantage of working with so many different technologies is that, at some point, one of them will capture your interest. I was involved in a project where I had to extract data from various types of sources, such as Oracle tables, PDF files, and Data Lakes tables, among others. I then processed this data and consolidated it into a single output format before storing it in a structure of six different tables. The problem was that the client was uncertain whether the tables would remain in an Oracle Database, in the Data Warehouse, or be moved elsewhere. This indecision slowed down my development process, which was undesirable not only for me but also for the client.

Despite that, I decided not to worry about where the data would be stored. Instead, I would build an interface, the methods of which could be implemented by any type of database that might be used in the future. This was a great idea, but I had to develop it locally due to some environmental constraints (Client VM). I couldn't install any database server or even use Docker. As my wife says "The only fate that we cannot change is death," and it's really true. The main problem was to test the solution locally while I developed it; I'd need to build my own database. Why not? In my mind, I honestly thought that it would not be so difficult, and it turned out to be a complex task, even working with well-known frameworks.

I created and implemented the interface with a small database system based on pandas and Parquet files. I was amazed by how well that worked, but far more amazed at how I had built a small but functional database. Far from perfection, that would be a problem with large datasets, handling concurrency, and many different problems, but this tiny action started a spark of curiosity inside of me about how databases work, bringing me the will and courage to start my own database project.

Combining both desires, to learn Golang and to build the Database, this project was initiated. Why would I keep building something that is not an innovation nor a game-changer technology that could revolutionize IT? Actually, I don't have the answer. To be honest, I do think that a part of this is to fulfill my curiosity to know how a robust Database Server works, and also to tell my mom that I've built one. (She would be proud even though she didn't understand a word of it)

Without any time and quality expectation, I'll finish what I've started, and this project will be functional.

I hope this project makes someone laugh and brings the joy and will of working with programming to many different people.

I am not a writer, nor an English native speaker, which means that my English will be something curious to those who are more familiarized with the language. Although I wanted to use ChatGPT to correct my comedic English, I will not do that! I think that AI removes personality from things and standardizes everything to something near perfection, which is not my case.


What is this project?

Talking seriously now, this project is simply a Key-Value Database Server. The main idea is to run it as a server that can respond to simultaneous requests, can be managed, and can guarantee that the data will be kept safe.

Why have I decided to build my own Database from scratch?

I'm still thinking why; probably the best answer would be the following: "Not learning so much as I wanted."

What do I expect with this work?

I expect to tell the history and the project evolution as a story. Every obstacle, every bug, every situation that I face will be documented, and also the solutions that I had. I think this kind of diary is a good idea, and I have never seen anything like it.

What are my goals developing this software?

Learn Golang properly (I'll be able to create some REST API endpoints -- Just kidding, I want to work with multiple threads/go routines and processes). Learn and share many knowledge acquired during the development of this project. Create a project story.

What are the requirements to consider the project completed?

  • It must be a server
  • It must be secure
  • It must be manageble
  • It must be fault tolerant (This will be hard to do)
  • It must handle multiple CRUD requests simultaneoslly
  • It must read queries
  • It must have cache
  • It must have backup
  • It must have a API in one or more languages, such as Python and JS, for instance

Where to follow?

The stories are saved in the diary folder at the root /diary as markdown files. They are separated by languages; for now, just Portuguese and English are available because I am not using AI to help me write my texts, and I'll not do it. I want the texts to be original. Inside the folders, the chapters are enumerated, followed by a small title about it. Upon entering the chapter folder, different markdown files can be found, also following a numerical order. Then it's just click and read.