This is the repository of 
Similarity and Association: 
Principles of Distributed Semantic Processing in the Human Brain, 
a research project conducted within the Cogmaster M2 research internship.

Songsheng Ying,

Sabine Ploux, Laurent Bonnasse-Gahot, Christophe Pallier.

Compilation passed with XeTex 3.14159265-2.6-0.999991 (Tex Live 2019)
Biber version: 2.12

--------------------------- File Structure -----------------------------
/ ------------------------------------------------------ root repository
main.tex ----------------------------------------------- Main LateX file
Chapters/ ------------------------------------------------ Body chapters
Appendices/ -------------------------- Supplementary methods and results
Figures/ -------------------------------------- Figure plot source files
Tables/ ----------------------------------------- Table data LaTeX files
Auxiliary/ --------------------- Declarations, Symboles, Acknowledgement
zoreto_synced.bib ----------------------- Biber bibliography source file

-------------------------- Code Referencing ----------------------------
Search for ''ipynb'' in Chapters/Methods for the code implementation of 
presented methods in the thesis.