
Angular Module for displaying a feed of items in a masonry layout using https://github.com/desandro/masonry

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Angular Module for displaying a feed of items in a masonry layout using https://github.com/desandro/masonry

This package was originally a fork from https://github.com/jelgblad/angular2-masonry to allow it to work with newer versions of Angular.

This updated version is also compatible with Angular Universal server side rendering (SSR)

If I have the time I will look into further improvements, but please do not expect support as I don't have the time for that.

npm version


npm install ngx-masonry --save

If you're using SystemJS add ngx-masonry and masonry-layout to your configuration:

packages: {
  "ngx-masonry": { "defaultExtension": "js", "main": "index" }
map: {
  "ngx-masonry": "node_modules/ngx-masonry",
  "masonry-layout": "node_modules/masonry-layout/dist/masonry.pkgd.js"


Import NgxMasonryModule into your app's modules:

import { NgxMasonryModule } from 'ngx-masonry';

  imports: [
  selector: 'my-component',
  template: `
       <ngxMasonryItem class="masonry-item" *ngFor="let item of masonryItems">
  styles: [
       .masonry-item { width: 200px; }
class MyComponent {
  masonryItems = [
    { title: 'item 1' },
    { title: 'item 2' },
    { title: 'item 3' },
    { title: 'item 4' },
    { title: 'item 5' },
    { title: 'item 6' }



Read about Masonry options here: Masonry Options

The options-attribute takes an object with the following properties:

  • itemSelector: string;
  • columnWidth: number | string;
  • gutter: number;
  • percentPosition: boolean;
  • stamp: string;
  • fitWidth: boolean;
  • originLeft: boolean;
  • originTop: boolean;
  • containerStyle: string;
  • transitionDuration: string;
  • resize: boolean;
  • initLayout: boolean;
  • horizontalOrder: boolean;


Inline object:

<ngx-masonry [options]="{ transitionDuration: '0.8s' }"></ngx-masonry>

From parent component:

import { NgxMasonryOptions } from 'ngx-masonry';;

public myOptions: MasonryOptions = {
  transitionDuration: '0.8s'
<ngx-masonry [options]="myOptions"></ngx-masonry>


NOTE: Will throw error if global imagesLoaded not available.

Delay adding brick until all images in brick are loaded. To activate imagesLoaded set useImagesLoaded to true.

<ngx-masonry [useImagesLoaded]="true"></ngx-masonry>


<script src="https://unpkg.com/imagesloaded@4/imagesloaded.pkgd.min.js"></script>

check the ImagesLoaded website for the latest version.


ngx-masonry has an input property, updateLayout, which accepts a boolean and will call masonry's layout() method on a change. It ignores the first change when the component loads.

<ngx-masonry [updateLayout]="updateMasonryLayout"></ngx-masonry>

When updateMasonryLayout is updated, the layout() method will be called.


layoutComplete: EventEmitter<any[]>

Triggered after a layout and all positioning transitions have completed.


removeComplete: EventEmitter<any[]>

Triggered after an item element has been removed.



<ngx-masonry (layoutComplete)="doStuff($event)" (removeComplete)="doOtherStuff($event)"></ngx-masonry>


This repository contains a working app using ngx-masonry as a child module, not as an npm package. You can go to the demo respository to view an app that uses it as an npm package.

View a live demo here