A blog site using RESTful routing, Semantic UI for frontend, and NodeJS with MongoDB in the backend.
- User can create new post
- User can edit existing post
- User can delete a post
- User can see past posts along with a thumbnail, a snippet and a creation timestamp
- User can format content with HTML and the content gets sanitized
- User will have their data stored in a database
- User can view contents in responsive mobile resolutions
- Run
npm install
to install all essential packages - Start up MongoDB server
- Run application by
node app.js
- SEMANTIC UI - The web framework used
- MongoDB - The database used
- NodeJS - The runtime environment used
- This project was completed with The Web Developer Bootcamp (Udemy) course by Colt Steele
- https://www.pexels.com/photo/green-grass-field-near-houses-and-mountain-720337/
- https://www.pexels.com/photo/red-petaled-flower-729005/
- https://www.pexels.com/photo/grayscale-photo-of-twin-bell-alarm-clock-723675/
- https://www.pexels.com/photo/white-and-black-concrete-building-near-body-of-water-under-gray-cloudy-sky-724184/