
Space Invaders video game clone made in DrRacket

Primary LanguageRacket

Space Invaders Video Game

The Space Invaders Video Game is the final project of The University of British Columbia's How to Code: Simple Data online course offered on edx.org. There are notable additions that distinguish my game from others. I have listed them to benefit others who may utilize my code to expand upon their own:

  • space invaders move at different speeds
  • space invaders move in different directions
  • the conclusion of the game is met with the GAME OVER screen

Getting started

  1. Download DrRacket (reminder: adjust specifications of your system) and install on your local machine: Download Racket

  2. Download the zip file from this repo: Download zip

    download zip file

  3. Unzip the file. Inside the space-invaders folder, double-click on the space-invaders.rkt file.

  4. Run the program; the button is located in the top right corner:


  5. After all tests pass, type this in the interactions section to play the game:

    (main G0)

Difficulty Modifications

If you wish to reduce the rate of space invaders that spawn on screen, go to line 265 and increase the number 3 in:

(< (random INVADE-RATE) 3)

note: anything larger than 7 is insane. Good luck!

If you wish to reduce the speed at which the space invaders travel, go to line 266 and decrease the number 4 in:

(+ (random 4) 1)

note: replacing this entire section with a positive number produces a constant rate in either direction.

Domain Analysis

domain analysis

Screen Capture
