
Repo for the Fall 2022 Data Challenge

Veterans Day Parade


The Veteran Population Model (aka VetPop) is an official population projection for veterans in the United States. It provides demographic data projections for a variety of characteristics such as age, gender, period of service, and race/ethnicity. The VetPop2020 dataset was provided by the VA's National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics.

Find out more here.


For Veteran's Day, the challenge is to tell the veteran story by using demographic data provided by the VetPop2020 dataset.


The source data is located in this repository. Note: Data was updated 10.19.2022 due to some truncation happening from an API previously.

You can use any tools at your disposal. The final product should be published as a dashboard to Tableau Public with the following hashtag in the details:



If you run into any issues or want to discuss the challenge, message us in Slack!


Once published, post to Twitter and/or LinkedIn with that same hashtag (#VIZFORVETS) and @mention any of the Veterans Advocacy TUG Leads.

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