
Collapse RefSeq release into species-level genomic sequences and add headers with the full taxonomy

Primary LanguagePython

Make curated database of RefSeq microbial species

Table of Contents


This pipeline is designed to collapse microbial genomic sequences from the RefSeq database at the species level.

From the RefSeq documentation:

The NCBI Reference Sequence Project (RefSeq) is an effort to provide the
best single collection of naturally occurring biomolecules, representative
of the central dogma, for each major organism. Ideally this would include
one sequence record for each chromosome, organelle, or plasmid linked on a
residue by residue basis to the expressed transcripts, to the translated
proteins, and to each mature peptide product. Depending on the organism, we
may have some, but not all, of this information at any given time. We
pragmatically include the best view we can from available data.

As of Release 99 (March 5, 2020), there are >70,000 bacterial, archaeal, viral, and fungal organisms in the RefSeq database. The curation performed by this pipeline collapses these organisms down to 49,135 unique species.

This pipeline is written to be compatible with any version of RefSeq.

NOTE: The pipeline result for RefSeq Release 99 is currently available here.

1. Clone this repository

Navigate to a directory where you would like to save the code for this pipeline. Then clone this repository and move into the format_refseq directory. The path to format_refseq is referred to as ${srcdir}.

git clone https://github.com/nicolerg/format_refseq.git
cd format_refseq

2. Download RefSeq database

Run download_refseq.sh to download genomic files (.genomic.fna.gz and .genomic.gbff.gz) from the most recent RefSeq release. As written, it only considers files in the viral, archaea, bacteria, and fungi subdirectories of the release. See all possible subdirectories here: ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/refseq/release/ (GitHub .md does not currently support hyperlinks for FTP sites; you have to copy and paste the address).

IMPORTANT: If you change the RefSeq release subdirectories included in this step, you will likely have to adjust the curation steps in collapse_orgs.Rmd. Otherwise, all other scripts are agnostic to the subdirectories chosen.

IMPORTANT: This script will take some time as it has to download >4,000 files (>200 GB). Make sure that the storage quota in the target directory is adequate.

Usage is bash download_refseq.sh [/path/to/database] [NUM_CORES], where [/path/to/database] is the directory in which you would like to build the database, and [NUM_CORES] is the number of cores available to run the process. For example, this command will use 12 cores to download the files to /labs/ohlab/REFSEQ:

bash download_refseq.sh /labs/ohlab/REFSEQ 12

3. Install Snakemake

3a. Install Miniconda Python3

If you do not already have miniconda/3 installed, follow instructions here

3b. Create a new conda environment

Create a new conda environment called format-refseq and install R and snakemake. Note that conda install has trouble identifying the most recent version of software and sometimes installs much-older versions. The versions indicated below are close to the newest version at the time of writing this, but I would recommend indicating the newest version possible the first time you install these tools.

conda activate # activate base conda 
conda create -n format-refseq 
conda install -n format-refseq r-base=3.6.1 # install R, at least 3.6.1
conda install -n format-refseq snakemake=5.16.0 # install snakemake, at least 5.16.0

Activate the format-refseq environment; start R to install data.table, knitr, and rmarkdown:

conda activate format-refseq
> install.packages('data.table')
> install.packages('knitr')
> install.packages('rmarkdown')
> q()

4. Run the pipeline

Edit the paths in the Snakemake file:

  • srcdir: full path to this cloned repository, e.g. /labs/ohlab/nicolerg/format_refseq
  • base: same as [/path/to/database] in Step 1. This must include the fna and gbff subdirectories generated in Step 1.
  • tmpdir: scratch space or another directory with ~500 GB of available space, e.g. /tmp/refseq. Finalized files are moved from ${tmpdir} to ${base}/FINAL.
  • Optional: If you change the default RefSeq subdirectories downloaded with download_refseq.sh, you will also have to modify the KINGDOMS list. This list should include the top-level taxonomy substrings for all organisms you download, i.e. the first ';'-delimited string in "ORGANISM" section of the .gfbb.gz files. These are easily identified from the intermediate headers/n_collapsed_version_per_header.txt output, e.g.:
    > sed -e '1d' n_collapsed_version_per_header.txt | cut -f3 | sed -e "s/;.*//" -e "s/.*|//" | sort | uniq  

The more cores that are allocated, the faster this pipeline will run. Choose a number of cores that will be available in a reasonable amount of time based on your experience with the cluster you are using.

A note for job submission systems, like SGE and SLURM: While snakemake pipelines can easily be run so that each individual process is submitted as its own job, this pipeline involves running almost 5000 processes, and it would make some job queues unhappy for a single user to submit that many jobs in a short window of time. If your cluster can handle it and you would prefer to run the pipeline that way, read the Snakemake docs to see how you could configure this pipeline for that setting. Otherwise, I recommend submitting a single job that requests many CPUs.

Run the pipeline interactively

If your cluster does not have a job submission system or you would otherwise like to run the pipeline interactively, start a screen or tmux session with a specified number of CPUs NUM_CORES >1 and sufficient RAM (at least 6 GB per CPU). Run the following code to perform a dry run of the pipeline, assuming your current working directory is the path to this repository:

conda activate format-refseq
snakemake -j ${NUM_CORES} -n --latency-wait=90

If the dry run completes without error, start the pipeline for real:

snakemake -j ${NUM_CORES} --latency-wait=90

Run the pipeline with a job submission system

Write an sbatch or qsub script with a specified number of CPUs NUM_CORES >1 and sufficient RAM (at least 5 GB per CPU). Here is an example of an sbatch script where NUM_CORES=12. The Snakemake -j parameter must match the SBATCH --cpus-per-task parameter.

#SBATCH --job-name=format_refseq
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=12
#SBATCH --partition=interactive
#SBATCH --account=default
#SBATCH --time=5-00:00:00
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=6G
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL

conda activate format-refseq
snakemake -j 12 -n --latency-wait=90

Submit the job for a dry run (indicated by -n flag). If it completes without error, edit the last line of the sbatch script to remove the -n or --dry-run flag and submit the job.


Look in the FINAL subdirectory for main outputs.


Open this report in your browser to get details about how species were collapsed.


Each tarball contains an individual {accession}.fna.gz file for each species in the pseudokingdom. The header for each {accession}.fna.gz sequence includes an NCBI accession and full taxonomy string for the species; these headers correspond to column 1 in all_lengths.txt (see below).

Whenever possible, sequences from the same species are concatenated into a single "N"-delimited sequence (at least 100 "N"s). When multiple accessions are concatenated, the NCBI accesssion in the taxonomy string corresponds to first first one seen. If necessary, you can find the full version-to-header map in the headers subdirectory (headers/version_to_header_map.txt). You can also see how many versions were collapsed under each header (headers/n_collapsed_version_per_header.txt) as well as the map from species to original taxonomies and accessions (headers/original_taxonomy.txt).


Each line has format >ACCN:[accession]|[taxonomy_string] [genome_length]. For example:

>ACCN:NZ_QPMJ01000000|Archaea;Euryarchaeota;Stenosarchaea_group;Halobacteria;Halobacteriales;Halobacteriaceae;Halorussus;Halorussus_rarus 4372177
>ACCN:NZ_AOII01000000|Archaea;Euryarchaeota;Stenosarchaea_group;Halobacteria;Natrialbales;Natrialbaceae;Natrinema;Natrinema_pallidum  3915591
>ACCN:NZ_AOIP01000000|Archaea;Euryarchaeota;Stenosarchaea_group;Halobacteria;Natrialbales;Natrialbaceae;Natrialba;Natrialba_aegyptia  4618250

[genome_length] is the length of the corresponding {accession}.fna.gz sequence excluding "N"s.

General workflow:

  1. Download .genomic.gbff.gz and .genomic.fna.gz files from the most recent RefSeq release (see download_refseq.sh).
  2. Extract taxonomy strings from .genomic.gbff.gz for each header (i.e. NCBI version) in .genomic.fna.gz (see format_headers.py). For example, from an excerpt of a .gbff.gz file below, the organism (version NZ_NIDW01000068.1) is assigned the temporary header >ACCN:NZ_NIDW01000000|Bacteria;Proteobacteria;Gammaproteobacteria;Enterobacterales;Enterobacteriaceae;Escherichia;Escherichia_coli
    LOCUS       NZ_NIDW01000068       203076 bp    DNA     linear   CON 01-JUL-2019
    DEFINITION  Escherichia coli strain 17.2p 7000000213718209, whole genome
                shotgun sequence.
    ACCESSION   NZ_NIDW01000068 NZ_NIDW01000000
    VERSION     NZ_NIDW01000068.1
    DBLINK      BioProject: PRJNA224116
                BioSample: SAMN06856382
                Assembly: GCF_002166095.1
    KEYWORDS    WGS; RefSeq.
    SOURCE      Escherichia coli
      ORGANISM  Escherichia coli
                Bacteria; Proteobacteria; Gammaproteobacteria; Enterobacterales;
                Enterobacteriaceae; Escherichia.
  3. Use taxonomy strings to collapse organisms at the species level (see collapse_orgs.Rmd). Define a single header for each unique species and make a map from NCBI version numbers to curated headers. For example, the following organisms are collapsed into a single species, "Escherichia_coli":
  4. Using the version-to-header map, iterate through the .genomic.fna.gz files. For each sequence, concatenate it to a file named by universal accession (i.e. one accession per curated species); use ~100 Ns to concatenate each contig or strain (see split_species.py.
  5. Since sequences from the same species are in multiple .genomic.fna.gz files, once the .genomic.fna.gz files are processed in parallel, N-concatenate sequences from the same species (see merge_temp.sh).
  6. Calculate genome length for each species and move .fna.gz files to pseudokingdom-specific subdirectories (see genome_length.sh).
  7. Create .tar.gz archives for each pseudokingdom subdirectory and rsync the tarballs to ${base}/FINAL, along with the all_lengths.txt file (i.e. concatenated genome lengths from step 6).