
A Neo4j database of airline fleets.

Primary LanguagePython

A neo4j database of airline fleets.

Database structure.

The nodes and relationships in the graph are summarized below.

Graph Structure

Node Label Node Properties
Airline name*, status (Active or Inactive)
Country name*
Series name*
Model name*
Aircraft msn (manufacturer's serial number), ff_day, ff_month, ff_year (day, month, year of first flight), registration (registration code), status (Active, Scrapped, Stored, Written off, On order, or Unknown)

* There is a uniqueness constraint on this property for the given node label.

None of the relationships in the graph have any properties.

Get the database dump.

The already-created database is located in fleets.graphdb.zip.

Create the database from scratch.

Alternatively, to create the database from scratch, do the following in the given order:

  • Execute scrape_airlines.py. This will create a 180KB file airlines_raw.csv in the current directory.
  • Execute scrape_aircraft.py. This will create a 2,181KB file aircraft_raw.csv in the current directory.
  • Execute clean.py. This will create a 98KB file airlines_clean.csv and a 2,140KB file aircraft_clean.csv in the current directory. The raw datasets airlines_raw.csv and aircraft_raw.csv can be deleted by uncommenting os.remove() (lines 41 and 42) in clean.py. Or you can just delete them. :)

Before going on to the below steps, make sure Neo4j is up and running at http://localhost:7474/db/data. If the URL is something else, change the value of this string at line 5 of the following files.

  • Execute load_airlines.py.
  • Execute load_aircraft.py.

After these scripts complete, the database should be fully populated.

Example queries.

Which airlines own the most active Boeing 747s (top 10)? How many do they own? In which countries are these airlines based?

MATCH (c:Country)<-[:BASED_IN]-(a:Airline)<-[:OWNED_BY]-(:Aircraft {status:'Active'})-[:SERIES]->()-[:MODEL]->(m:Model {name:'Boeing 747'})
WITH a, COUNT(m) AS count, c
RETURN a.name AS Airline, c.name AS Country, count AS `Number of Boeing 747 Owned`

Query 1

Visualize all the Airbus aircraft owned by Lufthansa.

MATCH p = (:Airline {name:'Lufthansa'})<-[:OWNED_BY]-(:Aircraft)-[:SERIES]->(:Series)-[:MODEL]->(m:Model)
WHERE substring(m.name, 0 , 6) = 'Airbus'

Query 2