
Simple implementation of ChatGPT in Discord Bot

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Documentation of the bot

This project is a simple (very very simple) discord bot that implements a OpenAI ChatGPT to answer questions. Also is a bootstrap to start a chatbot with OpenAI.


  • NodeJS v19.3.0 (npm v9.2.0)


  • Clone the repository
  • Install the dependencies with npm install
  • Create a .env file following the .env.example file
  • Fill the .env file with your OpenAI API Key and Discord Bot Token
  • Run the bot with node index.js

If you are familiar with docker, you can run the bot with docker compose, just run docker-compose up -d and the bot will be running.


  • In index.js file in line 3 you can set what channel in what guild the bot will listen to, set your guild id and channel id like in the example below:
const preferences = {
    "guildId": "ChannelId",
  • Now go to your discord server and the channel of your choice and starting talking with bot.

Other information

This repository has another branch with database implementation using supabase, but is under development. If you want to contribute to this project, feel free to open a pull request.

Any questions, feel free to call me on Discord