
Primary LanguagePython

WSB Research - NPORT Processing Service (NPS)




Setup PostgreSQL

  1. Launch pgAdmin4, navigate to the browser based UI (for me it was
  2. Connect to your local PostgreSQL server and create a new Login/User called dev with password password
  3. Create a Database called NPS, and set the owner to be the dev account you just created

Install Required Packages/Libraries

  • Run: pip install -r requirements.txt in the root of the project

Python Scraper


Note: You will need to have the database setup by running python manage.py migrate from the api folder.

From the python_scraper folder run: scrapy crawl sec_nport_p

Config Options

In python_scraper/python_scraper/settings.py you can adjust how fast the spider requests pages and other spider settings.



Currently uses the Postgres database setup earlier.

Make sure you have a dbsettings.json file created in the root api folder (right next to manage.py) with the following contents:

    "DB_NAME": "NPS",
    "DB_USER": "dev",
    "DB_PASSWORD": "password",
    "DB_HOST": "localhost",
    "DB_PORT": "5432"

From the api folder:

python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver

Server is now running on localhost:8000, there is readable docs generated there.