

This project is to build an application that can help user post information of their runs day to day. User not only post the information but also can post comments and view chart to see their achievement and compare to their goal.

Table of Contents

User Story

AS A Running lover
I WANT to track my running data easily and conveniently and share it with other users.
I want my data presented in an interesting way along with other relevant statistics.
I want to see the data of other users using the application.

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN a command-line application that accepts user input
WHEN I log in to the application
THEN I am redirected to my profile page
WHEN I I make a post
THEN I am prompted to input my distance and duration
WHEN I post my run
THEN The run is automatically posted on my feed along with relevant statistics, such as min/km, total running time and total distance for a given period of time (week, month, year).
WHEN I want to amend information about my runs
THEN I am able to update the time and distance about previous runs
WHEN I want to remove a post
THEN I am able to delete it
WHEN I want to view comments
THEN I am able to do that
WHEN I logout
THEN I am able to logout and send back to the login page
WHEN I want to view a chart of my runs for a period time
THEN I am represented a chart


This is a screenshot of the generated HTML webpage.

RunningTracks application homepage



RunningTracks Deployed on Heroku


This project is using MIT license.

Copy right @ 2022 Xuan Huy Bui - R134x7 - Nicols - Vicky