
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Nuclear Data Library processing tools.

NDL is a python package that can build NJOY (http://www.njoy21.io/) input with default settings and run NJOY in order to convert the nuclear data files from ENDF-6 format into ACE files that can be employed in Serpent-2 (http://montecarlo.vtt.fi/) or MCNP (https://mcnp.lanl.gov/) codes. The primary objective of the code is to process neutron and photo-atomic ENDF-6 files for Monte Carlo simulations.

🔧 Installation

To install NDL, run the following command:

git clone https://github.com/nicoloabrate/ndl.git

Then, add it to your python path or locally install it via pip

pip install path_to_ndl_parent_directoy/ndl/

To properly run NDL, you need NJOY2016 or NJOY21 properly installed on your Linux machine.

📞 Contacts

🔖 Acknowledgments

The Serpent developers teams is thankfully aknowledged for having shared the procedures used to prepare the energy deposition additional data required in the ACE files.