
A suite of parsers designed to make interacting with SERPENT output files simple and flawless

Primary LanguageMATLABMIT LicenseMIT


Build status - develop Documentation Status PyPi badge Nuclear Science and Engineering 10.1080/00295639.2020.1723992

A suite of parsers designed to make interacting with SERPENT [1]_ output files simple and flawless.

The SERPENT Monte Carlo code is developed by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Ltd. More information, including distribution and licensing of SERPENT can be found at http://montecarlo.vtt.fi


serpentTools can be installed with pip using:

$ python -m pip install --user --upgrade pip serpentTools

For more detailed instructions, including operating-system specific instructions and building from source, see Installation Guide.


If you have issues installing the project, find a bug, or want to add a feature, the GitHub issue page is the best place to do that.


The Annals of Nuclear Energy article should be cited for all work using SERPENT. If you are using this project, please considering citing with:

Andrew Johnson, Dan Kotlyar, Stefano Terlizzi, and Gavin Ridley,
"`serpentTools: A Python Package for Expediting Analysis with
Serpent <https://doi.org/10.1080/00295639.2020.1723992>`_,"
*Nuc. Sci. Eng*, (in press) (2020).

Also, let us know if you publish work using this package! We try and keep an up-to-date list of works using serpentTools, and would be happy to include more.

If you want to refer to a specific version, follow the Zenodo DOI. This will resolve to the latest version, with links to earlier releases.

If you want to refer to a specific version, follow the `Zenodo DOI .. [1] Leppanen, J. et al. (2015) "The Serpent Monte Carlo code: Status,

development and applications in 2013." Ann. Nucl. Energy, 82 (2015) 142-150