
Sample code for ScanAPI SDK

Primary LanguageC#OtherNOASSERTION

SingleEntry for Windows

Sample code for ScanAPI SDK


This application requires ScanAPI SDK and a Bluetooth INBOUND port.


ScanAPI is now available as a "private" NuGet.

Copy SocketMobile.ScanAPI.10.3.xxx.x.nupkg NuGet file to a location of your choice.

In Visual Studio, launch the NuGet Package Manager and add a new source, with the location set to where the ScanAPI NuGet is located.

Clone this project and load it in Visual Studio. There is a NuGet restore function that will automatically install the ScanAPI NuGet in the project. If this function is not enabled, go to the NuGet Package Manager and select the source pointing to where ScanAPI NuGet is located, and proceed to its installation.

Compile and run the project.

If an error occurs it might be cause the Bluetooth INBOUND port is not configured correctly.

ScanAPI Configuration

ScanAPI requires at least one Bluetooth INBOUND port in order to open without error.

This ScanAPI configuration can be set by using the kSktScanPropIdConfiguration with the string value set as follow: "SerialPorts=COM3:" by example.

To retrieve the current configuration, a Get kSktScanPropIdConfiguration property with a string value set to "SerialPorts" will return the COM port ScanAPI is actually trying to listen to.

This configuration is stored on the disk to a shared location like by example on a Windows 7 host: \ProgramData\Socket Mobile\ScanAPI\ScanAPI.xml.

It is not recommended to modify this ScanAPI.xml file directly as its format can change or this file can be replaced in different version. The best for modifying this configuration is to use the ScanAPI API.

ScanAPI Documentation

A more detailed documentation can be found on Socket Mobile developer portal at: http://www.socketmobile.com/developers/welcome

ScanAPI Usage

This SingleEntry sample app is using ScanApiHelper which simplifies the ScanAPI integration in an app.

ScanApiHelper is actually a data member of the SingleEntry Form object. In the constructor of the Form, the ScanApiHelper instance is allocated. The Form actually derives from the ScanApiHelperNotification interface in order to implement the various notifications coming from ScanAPI. Once ScanApiHelper instance is created the ScanApiHelper SetNotification is called with this Form reference as argument.

Upon the Form Load, ScanApiHelper is open and a ScanAPI consumer timer is set. Each time this timer elapses, its handler calls ScanApiHelper DoScanAPIReceive in order to receive any notification from ScanAPI.

Then most of the implementation is done in the notification handlers. The first notification received is OnScanApiInitializeComplete. This indicates the first open has successfully initialized ScanAPI. The Bluetooth INBOUND port has be open correctly and ScanAPI is listening to it.

If a scanner is connecting to this host, then the OnDeviceArrival notification is invoked.

If the scanner decodes successfully a barcode, the OnDecodedData notification is invoked with the decoded data as argument.

If the scanner disconnects from the host then the app receives the OnDeviceRemoval notification.

ScanApiHelper provides few PostSetxxx and PostGetxxx methods to send a request to get the friendly name, the Bluetooth address of the device, or to get and set the barcode symbologies by example.

Each of these PostSetxxx / PostGetxxx accepts a callback as argument that is invoked upon completion of the request.

The close process is a 2-step process: first call the ScanApiHelper close method and then wait for the OnScanApiTerminated notification, which can then close the form.