
Visual comparison of pathfinding algorithms, with customizable field and random maze generator.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


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At the moment it all seems to be standing up with react@17.0.2 although my experience with it is very limited, all pathfinding algorithms implemented operate in 4 directions (n, w, s ,e), the field is fixed to be a 30x50 grid.

For each run you need to indicate start and target points, blocks are optional.

  • Generate, loads a field with pre-populated blocks random generated (guaranteed path).
  • Selector, displays the one currently selected.
  • Visualize, draws all visited nodes and the path found on the field.
  • Clear field, deletes the previous path, if any, without changing the field.
  • Reset field, restores the initial field.


In some grid maps there are many paths with the same length, A* could explore all the paths with the same value f (the variable it uses for searching), instead of just one. A quick way to solve this problem is to add a tie-breaking cross-product to heuristic.

The result is that this code will give a slight preference to a path that is along a straight line from start to destination.