
An Adaptive Elastic Scaling Mechanism for Microservices Based on Deep Learning Traffic Prediction

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



This repository contains a prototyped version of DeepScaler described in our ASE '23 paper "DeepScaler: Holistic Autoscaling for Microservices Based on Spatiotemporal GNN with Adaptive Graph Learning".

I. Machine Prerequisite

Aspect Details
Operating System Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Kernel Version 4.15.0
VM Specifications 4 with 12-core 2.2 GHz CPU, 24 GB memory, 100GB disk
4 with 24-core 2.2 GHz CPU, 32 GB memory, 500 GB disk
Network ...

II. Installation

1. Setup Required Packages

  • Python 3.6

  • numpy == 1.21.5

  • pandas == 1.4.4

  • torch == 1.13.1

pip3 install -r requirement.txt

2. Setup Docker

apt update && apt upgrade
apt-cache madison docker.io

apt install docker.io=$YOUR_DOCKER_VERSION #like 20.10.21-0ubuntu1~20.04.2
systemctl enable docker

You can use some image acceleration configurations if you are in a region with limited access to DockerHub. For example, you can use the Aliyun image acceleration service:

cd /etc/docker

sudo tee /etc/docker/daemon.json << -'EOF' { "registry-mirrors": ["https://xxx.mirror.aliyuncs.com"] }
  "exec-opts": ["native.cgroupdriver=systemd"]

sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl restart docker

3. Setup Kubernetes Cluster

A running Kubernetes cluster is required before deploying DeepScaler. The following instructions are tested with Kubernetes v1.23.4. For set-up instructions, refer to this.

# Update the apt package list and install https transport, curl tool
apt-get update && apt-get install -y apt-transport-https curl

# Add the Kubernetes apt source to the apt source list
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list <<-'EOF' 
deb https://mirrors.aliyun.com/kubernetes/apt/ kubernetes-xenial main 

# Add the Kubernetes apt source key for secure package download
curl -s https://mirrors.aliyun.com/kubernetes/apt/doc/apt-key.gpg | sudo apt-key add -

# Set the Kubernetes version

# Install kubectl, kubeadm, kubelet
apt install kubectl=$KUBE_VERSION kubeadm=$KUBE_VERSION kubelet=$KUBE_VERSION

# Pull the Kubernetes images from Aliyun repository
kubeadm config images pull --image-repository registry.aliyuncs.com/google_containers

# Initialize the Kubernetes master node with a specified pod network CIDR and image repository
sudo kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr= --image-repository registry.aliyuncs.com/google_containers

# Export the KUBECONFIG environment variable
export KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf

# Taint the Kubernetes master node to prevent scheduling of pods
kubectl taint nodes <your-node-name> node-role.kubernetes.io/master:NoSchedule-

# Install the Calico network plugin
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/projectcalico/calico/v3.27.2/manifests/tigera-operator.yaml
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/projectcalico/calico/v3.27.2/manifests/custom-resources.yaml

4. Setup Longhorn

Before this, you may need to install Helm:

curl -fsSL -o get_helm.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/helm/helm/main/scripts/get-helm-3
chmod 700 get_helm.sh
bash get_helm.sh

Then execute:

apt install open-iscsi jq nfs-common
helm repo add longhorn https://charts.longhorn.io
curl -sSfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/longhorn/longhorn/v1.6.0/scripts/environment_check.sh | bash
helm repo update && helm install longhorn longhorn/longhorn --namespace longhorn-system --create-namespace --version 1.6.0

5. Setup Prometheus

Prometheus is an open-source monitoring and alerting toolkit used for collecting and storing metrics from various systems.

This project has prepared the necessary yaml for you to install Prometheus, you just need to execute:

kubectl apply --server-side -f env/kube-prometheus/manifest/setup
kubectl apply -f env/kube-prometheus/manifest/

6. Setup Istio

Istio is an open-source service mesh platform that enhances the management and security of microservices in a distributed application. After having a cluster running a supported version of Kubernetes, installing Istio is needed.

$ curl -L https://istio.io/downloadIstio | ISTIO_VERSION=1.17.4 TARGET_ARCH=x86_64 sh -
$ cd istio-1.21.1
$ export PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH

istioctlinstall --set profile=demo -y
kubernetes create ns app
kubectl label namespace app istio-injection=enabled

7. Setup Locust

We utilize the Locust load testing tool, an open-source tool that employs Python code to define user behaviors and simulate millions of users.

pip install locust

III. Deploy Benchmark Microservices

1. Bookinfo

(1) kubectl create -f <(istioctl kube-inject -f /benchmarks/bookinfo/bookinfo.yaml)
(2) kubectl apply  -f /benchmarks/bookinfo/bookinfo-gateway.yaml)

2. Online-boutique

(1) kubectl create -f <(istioctl kube-inject -f ./benchmarks/boutique/boutique.yaml) -n app
(2) kubectl apply  -f ./benchmarks/boutique/boutique-gateway.yaml -n app

3. Train-ticket

Deploy the Train-Ticket system on K8S with istio.

(1) kubectl create -f <(istioctl kube-inject -f ./benchmarks/train-ticket/ts-deployment-part1.yml)
(2) kubectl create -f <(istioctl kube-inject -f ./benchmarks/train-ticket/ts-deployment-part2.yml)
(3) kubectl create -f <(istioctl kube-inject -f ./benchmarks/train-ticket/ts-deployment-part3.yml)
(4) kubectl apply  -f ./benchmarks/train-ticket/trainticket-gateway.yaml

IV. Workload Generation

The generated workload intensity varied over time, emulating typical characteristics of microservice workloads, including slight increases, slight decreases, sharp increases, sharp decreases, and continuous fluctuations. The flow data simulation script is collected from FIFA World Cup access datasets and stored in the file.

The script load_generator.py is for simulating user behavior for both "Bookinfo" and "Online-Boutique" and load_generator_train.py is for simulating user behavior for "Train-Ticket."

Simulate the workload generator:

sh sendFlow/sendLoop.sh

You can refer to this webpage for customized usage.

V. Train and Test

1. Model Configuration

The information that needs to be configured before model training is stored in config/train_config.yaml, and the processed data sets and various model configuration information are stored in config/train_dataset_speed.yaml. You can modify the tuning parameters yourself.

2. Collect the original dataset

template = {
    "mem": "sum(container_memory_usage_bytes{{namespace='{0}',container='{1}'}}) / sum(container_spec_memory_limit_bytes{{namespace='{0}',container='{1}'}})",
    "res": "sum(rate(istio_request_duration_milliseconds_sum{{reporter='destination',destination_workload_namespace='{0}',destination_workload='{1}'}}[{2}]))/sum(rate(istio_request_duration_milliseconds_count{{reporter='destination',destination_workload_namespace='{0}',destination_workload='{1}'}}[{2}]))/1000",
    "req": "sum(rate(istio_requests_total{{destination_workload_namespace='{0}',destination_workload='{1}'}}[{2}]))",
    "pod": "count(container_spec_cpu_period{{namespace='{0}',container='{1}'}})"

Run this code, and the data will be stored in the folder location you have set.

python metrics_fetch.py
#Here's "Online-Boutique" example:
prefix_api = "http://localhost:30090/api/v1/query?query="
namespace = 'boutiquessj'
interval = 120
services = ["adservice", "cartservice", "checkoutservice","currencyservice","emailservice","frontend","paymentservice","productcatalogservice","recommendationservice","shippingservice"]
metrics = ['cpu','res','req','mem','pod']

3. Process the dataset

Transform the raw dataset into a time-sliced dataset for model training and learning.

python data_process.py

4. Export the well-trained model

We provide a more detailed and complete command description for training and testing the model:

python -u main.py
--model_config_path <model_config_path>
--train_config_path <train_config_path>
--model_name <model_name>
--num_epoch <num_epoch>
--num_iter <num_iter>
--model_save_path <model_save_path>
--max_graph_num <max_graph_num>
Parameter name Description of parameter
model_config_path Config path of models
train_config_path Config path of Trainer
model_name Model name to train
num_epoch Training times per epoch
num_iter Maximum value for iteration
model_save_path Model save path
max_graph_num Volume of adjacency matrix set

More parameter information please refer to main.py. The models exported after running the file are stored in the model_states.

VI. Autoscaling

Utilizing well-trained and tested models to enable automatic scaling of various microservices.

python predict_scale.py

VII. Evaluation

1. Analyze the similarity between the original graph relationship and od, cc

python similarity.py

2. Compute relevant metrics

python calculate.py

VIII. Thanks

This repository was inspired by the work of Shijie Song or Chunyang Meng (songshj6@mail2.sysu.edu.cn, mengchy3@mail2.sysu.edu.cn) on their DeepScaler. I am grateful for the ideas and insights I gained from their project.