Cloudpods Documentation
This repository contains Cloudpods related documentation.
Installing Dependencies
- hugo v0.83.0:
- docker: To install docker, please refer to the documentation at
View Document Website
$ git clone --recursive
$ cd docs
# npm install dependencies
$ npm install -i
# view CE(community edition) docs
$ make ce-local-serve
# view EE(enterprise edition) docs
$ make ee-local-serve
# Then visit http://localhost:1313 to view the documentation site
Edit Document
The documents are in the content/{en,zh} directory, select the desired section to edit or add, for content organization please refer to:
Compile Documentation
CE multiple versions
There are no multiple versions of the documentation in the development phase. To see the effect of multiple versions of the documentation, you can run the following command.
# Compiling multiple versions of documentation.
# Then the documentation site will be in the . /public directory.
$ make ce-build
$ cd public && python3 -m http.server 1313
Update Submodule
$ git submodule update --recursive
$ git pull --recurse-submodules
Make EE image
$ TAG=your-tag ARCH=all make ee-image
You are welcome to do any kind of contribution to the project. Please refer to CONTRIBUTING for guidelines.