- 0
node version not currect
#100 opened by qwe123qa - 2
#99 opened by sonegs - 2
Limit search to the nearest gulpfile
#98 opened by mrsean2k - 1
#97 opened - 12
Open Output Panel on Gulp Task Error
#93 opened by mkormendy - 8
Building Gulp list first time throws error
#95 opened by jacobraccuia - 3
- 4
- 1
Choose a different gulpfile
#94 opened by mkormendy - 0
- 2
Kill running watch task not working
#89 opened by FelixBoers - 1
- 4
- 8
Recent problem with panel not updating
#86 opened by beeb - 3
ValueError... at json.load(cache_file)
#85 opened by Ivanca - 1
- 6
I had an infinite loop when run gulp from sublime. But in bash everything is ok
#80 opened by AmeliePoulain92 - 3
Sublime-gulp should respect "folder_exclude_patterns" and "file_exclude_patterns"
#79 opened by Ivanca - 3
Error running the task (Linux)
#78 opened by heckctor - 2
Run Arbitrary Flag (E.g., gulp --production)
#77 opened by mkormendy - 3
import error about Settings
#76 opened by SejoongDeJang - 2
Colors with gulp-util.colors
#75 opened by TCB13 - 4
Multiple gulpfiles in project?
#74 opened by PixelT - 7
gulp_kill broken since update
#73 opened by gethinoakes - 3
Can't run two gulps at the same time
#71 opened by creativematter - 1
Don`t kill running task
#69 opened by atnartur - 1
shortcut key problem
#68 opened by iamaddy - 3
Doesn't seem to work
#58 opened by maheshjag - 7
- 3
Run last task
#65 opened by dnlmelo - 4
Sublime key bindings doesnt work
#57 opened by tiagoporto - 2
- 12
- 5
List Task to run
#64 opened by dnlmelo - 7
Gulpfile in ES6
#62 opened by yoiang - 5
- 6
- 7
Remove CR from output
#55 opened by roccivic - 6
Project specific settings not working
#53 opened by simonknittel - 8
- 6
- 4
Node/Gulp Error
#50 opened by onlyskyguy - 19
Support for more global flags
#46 opened by juni-vogt - 2
Change to different gulpfile
#51 opened by danprime - 1
gulp-confirm compatibility
#48 opened by dukhevych - 5
Output view issue for morgan plugin
#47 opened by lunivm - 1
Support gulpfile.babel.js
#44 opened - 3
Add support for 'require-dir' approach
#43 opened by ISkomorokh - 1
Review docs
#41 opened by nicosantangelo - 2
Gulpfile errors if the last line is a comment
#42 opened by juni-vogt