
repo with Nei analytics application for facebook data analysis

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.


  • node: ^8.10.0
  • npm: ^5.6.0
  • yarn: ^1.9.4

PS: It is posible that the app can work with other versiones of the requirements (higher more than lower). The requirementes versiones listed are then ones used during development. PS2: It's posible to switch easily node version with Node Version Manager (nvm) :

nvm install 8.10.0

Running App

  1. Install all packages:
yarn install

For more details on dependencies and packages, check package.json file

  1. Run application:

-> With yarn

yarn start

-> With npm

npm start

Check: http://localhost:3000/

Run Docker

yarn build
bash run.sh

Check: http://localhost:8080/

PS: make sure with command: docker ps -a that there isn't another container running with the same APP name. (check app name in: file run.sh)