
Restaurant web app

Primary LanguagePython

Resto Web API

Repositoy contains code of API for the Resto App.


  • Python 3 (or above).

  • Python Package manager: pip, conda or other.

  • Recommended: virtualenv, conda or other work development environment manager.

Use Guide

This guide is done using MacOs, Python 3.8, pip and virtualenv.

  1. Download or clone git, and enter directory:
git clone https://github.com/nicosoto0/resto_api.git
cd resto_api
  1. Optional/Recommended: Create and Activate virtualenv for to start development
virtualenv -p python3 resto_api_env
source resto_api_env/bin/activate

(If you use a virtualenv with a different name, then remember to add it to .gitignore)

  1. Install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Start running API Analysis
python launcher.py