Oauth Workshop

This is just a simple proof of concept in dealing with oauth for github to signin a user to the site with information received from the authorization.

Getting Started

  1. After cloning, bundle & install figaro with figaro install
  2. Setup a github oauth app on github settings>developer settings>New Oauth App
  3. Paste your client secret and id into the application.yml under client_secret: (secret_key) & client_id: (client_key)


  • Rails 5.2.2
  • Ruby 2.4.1


  1. run rails server in your terminal
  2. visit localhost:3000 (or whatever port rails server prescribes)
  3. click login & login using your github credentials
  4. you should be redirected to localhost:3000/dashboard and see your github username


Add additional notes about how to deploy this on a live system

Built With

  • Rails 5.2.2
  • Ruby 2.4.1
  • GitHub Oauth


  • Turing School of Software and Design