
This repository contains upcoming contributions from Two Sigma Open Source, LLC., to PostgreSQL:

  • pqasyncnotifier.c

    This is a command that LISTENs on channels and outputs asynchronous notifications as soon as they arrive. (Whereas psql(1) only outputs notifications when it gets user input or when a server command completes -- in particular it does not output notifications when idle!).

    Use this like so:

    $ pqasyncnotifier "$PG_URI" some_channel | while read junk; do
    >    printf 'SELECT notified();'
    > done | psql "$PG_URI" -f -
  • mat_views.sql

    An alternative / enhanced implementation of materialized views written entirely in PlPgSQL, with the following features that MATERIALIZED VIEWs don't have:

    • keeps an updates table with all updates from all refreshes
    • allows DMLs on the materialized view, recording all changes in the updates table (this allows one to update a materialized view from a TRIGGER)
  • schema2json.sql and

    A start at producing a JSON description of SQL schemas, leveraging COMMENTs.

  • audit.sql

    An audit facility that produces an audit table (for each audited table) that use record types of the audited table's composite type. This allows relational queries against audit history.

    An _all table is also used to audit row_to_json()'ed records.

  • backup.sql

    Backup and restore data around re-creating a schema:

    SELECT backup.backup('some_schema'); -- backup some_schema's data
    DROP SCHEMA "some_schema" CASCADE;
    \i some_schema.sql
    SELECT backup.restore('some_schema'); -- restore some_schema's data
  • trigger_utils.sql

    A VIEW on pg_catalog.pg_triggers and friends.

  • commit_trigger.sql

    An implementation of "COMMIT TRIGGERs", with natural and useful semantics. This is done using CONSTRAINT TRIGGERs under the hood.

    Commit triggers run exactly once for all write transactions, may perform additional data manipulations, and may RAISE EXCEPTIONs.

    The point of this contribution is to demonstrate the need and desired semantics of COMMIT TRIGGERs.

    You can use commit triggers to do things like:

    • update view materializations
    • check consistency (e.g., in a double-entry book-keeping system, maye sure that every entry has a matching entry, ...)
    • NOTIFY
    • anything else that you can imagine

    Usage instructions inside.

    WARNING!  This relies on deferred CONSTRAINT TRIGGERs, but
    unprivileged users may SET CONSTRAINTS ALL IMMEDIATE, which will
    result in incorrect semantics for "commit triggers".  This can be
    fatal for some applications.
  • preamble.sql

    This is a file meant to be included from others. Much of it should really be replaced with new functionality in psql(1), specifically, it would be nice if psql(1) would set variables such as:

    • PG_CONNINFO (the conninfo given to psql)
    • FNAME (the path to the file given to psql -f <file>)

    The code in this file checks that required variables are provided to psql(1) via --variable= or via the environment.