
blicube kvm production website

Primary LanguageHTML

BLIKVM website

This repo is BLIKVM website manual. The manual is support Multilingual. We highly encourage you to translate your own language for the blikvm user manual. If you are interested in becoming a translation contributor, you can mention PR. we will thank you very much for your translation work.

File Structure

You can add your language fellow this struct.

├─ config/
│    ├─ en/
│    │  └─ mkdocs.yml
│    ├─ zh/
│    │  └─ mkdocs.yml
│    └─ xxx/
│        └─ mkdocs.yml
├─ generated/
│    ├─ en/
│    ├─ zh/
│    └─ xxx/
├─ docs/
│    ├─ en/
│    │   ├─ index.md 
│    │   └─ xxx.md
│    ├─ zh/
│    │   ├─ index.md 
│    │   └─ xxx.md
│    └─ xx/
│        ├─ index.md 
│        └─ xxx.md
└─ overrides/

Establishment of development environment

If you don't know about mkdocs, please study from mkdocs website. When you follow the website and set up the use environment of mkdocs, you can run the project with the following command to preview:

mkdocs serve -f config/en/mkdocs.yml

You can change language path, if you modify chinese part, the command like this:

mkdocs serve -f config/zh/mkdocs.yml

If there is no problem with the environment installation, you will see an output similar to the following. You can preview the website by inputting the IP address(eg: to the browser.

(venv) shangbinbin@shangbibindeMBP blikvm-site % mkdocs serve -f config/en/mkdocs.yml
INFO     -  Building documentation...
INFO     -  Cleaning site directory
INFO     -  Documentation built in 1.08 seconds
INFO     -  [16:56:09] Watching paths for changes: 'docs/en', 'config/en/mkdocs.yml'
INFO     -  [16:56:09] Serving on
INFO     -  [16:56:12] Browser connected:

When the preview results are confirmed to be correct, you can use the following command to complete the compilation and packaging. Then you can merge your commit by PR.

bash build.sh


Ivan Gordeev