
Fetch new highlights from Readwise and create or update markdown files in directory (e.g. Dropbox)

Primary LanguagePython

release downloads


Fetch new books and highlights from Readwise and print the results as markdown files in a chosen directory (i.e. Obsidian vault)

I'm a huge fan of Readwise and Obsidian, and I hope this is helpful to others like me who wanted something a bit different than the basic markdown export (beta)


  • Fetch all or subset of new books and highlights from Readwise (via their API https://readwise.io/api_deets)
    • Filter by custom date from or last script run date
  • Group and sort highlights by book/article/podcast/tweet
  • Create new markdown notes or append to existing ones in a chosen directory (i.e. Obsidian vault)
    • Filenames are formatted using slugify
    • Highlights with 'discard' tag are removed
    • Books with no highlights are ignored
  • Markdown notes can be formatted, but default options are:
    • Book metadata - in YAML format
      • Title
      • Author
      • Number of highlights
      • Last updated date - default format is "%Y-%m-%d" or "YYYY-MM-DD"
      • Readwise URL (e.g. link to readwise book)
      • Source URL (e.g. original article, tweet)
      • Cover Image URL
    • Title - as a heading 1 - Last updated date (in Obsidian "%%" comments block) - default format is "%Y-%m-%d" or "YYYY-MM-DD"
    • Highlight data
      • Text
      • Block reference ID - using the Readwise highlight ID as the unique block reference
      • Note
      • Tags - optional
      • References (e.g. original URL)
  • Store book and highlight data into JSON files for easy retrieval and manipulation
  • Print outputs to the console and store in a log file for troubleshooting
  • NEW Edit highlights in Readwise directly from a directory (e.g. Obsidian vault) Click here to download a video demo, or see a GIF here!


Markdown note with book metadata as YAML frontmatter

Cover images with hyperlinks to their source URLs in Readwise

Highlight data with Readwise highlight ID's as unique block references

Markdown note with headings (h1-h5) from Readwise

Edit highlights in Readwise directly from a directory (NEW with release v2.1)

Graph view of results

Log file of outputs


  • Clone this repo or download the ZIP folder and move to a chosen directory - this will serve as the sourceDirectory for running the scripts
    • Make sure the readwiseCategories folder is in the same directory as the readwise-GET.py script. This will store your JSON files.
  • Configure the readwiseMetadata.py file:
    • Required
    • Optional
      • Customise the request query string - add a dateFrom, otherwise the last script run will be used (if available) or all highlights will be fetched
      • Customise the dateFormat and other note / highlight formatting fields
      • Add your email and password
      • Specify a chromedriverDirectory - instructions here
  • Install the Python modules specified in readwise-GET_install.py via pip
  • Open the terminal or command prompt and navigate to the sourceDirectory (i.e. downloaded folder) - e.g. cd C:/Users/johnsmith/Downloads/readwise2directory-main
  • Run the readwise-GET.py script
    • py readwise-GET.py (on Windows) or python3.9 readwise-GET.py (on Mac)
    • Note: ~3 minutes to process ~1300 books, ~6200 highlights and ~2900 tags


  • This is NOT an official plugin or integration, so please use mindfully.
  • This is my first real contribution on GitHub, so I'm open to any and all feedback




If you like this plugin, please consider donating; I really appreciate any and all support! ❤️