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Esbuild Base

This is a base repository for making simple, single-page javascript applications. It uses esbuild as a module bundler, and tries to leave room for expanded tooling in its build process (I tend to customize the asset pipeline on a per-project basis).

This base repo was structured after doing two, experimental, single-page website projects in the spring of 2021: an interactive fluid simulator, and an interactive story. I learned a bit about how to segment the project, and how not to.


To get this up and running, first clone the repository into your local computer. Go to the project directory in your terminal, and do:

npm install

This will install all of the dependencies you need for this project. Once, this is done, do:

npm run serve

This will to start a development server, and then visit localhost:8080 in a browser.

There're two other scripts as well:

npm run build

This will compile the assets without a starting a development server. There's also:

npm run deploy-gh-pages

This will compile and push the public folder to a gh-pages branch, in case you quickly want to get a test-site up and running. I'd typically add an additional deploy script for a custom environment later.