
A base repository for projects with rust & js, transpiled by vite

Primary LanguageRust

Basic WASM + Vite Repository

This is just a simple, baseline repository that can act as a starting point for wasm projects.


  1. If you don't have a Rust compiler installed, get rustup here. This will help you install all of the required tools for running a standard rust compiler.
  2. Get wasm-pack. This installs the wasm-pack command, which lets you build rust code for the wasm32_unknown_unknown compiler target, and generates js glue code for your wasm.
  3. npm install. Install all node-dependencies.
  4. npm run build-wasm. Runs wasm-pack: this will handle installing any rust dependencies.
  5. npm run dev. Start a development site.

Note: you can follow the tutorial here as a rust setup guide.

You should now have a dev server running the application at localhost:3000.