
LoRa packet communication on Texas Instruments BLE Wireless chips

Primary LanguageC

LoRa for Texas Instruments CC26xx MCUs

A LoRa library for SemTech LoRa (or compatible RFM95, HopeRF, etc) chips working with TI CC26xx MCUs. Also includes packet handling for sending sensor data like temperature, humidity, etc via LoRa.

Integrating into TI CCS projects

The references below to simple_peripheral considers a project started from TI BLE Simple Peripheral Example.

  1. Configure LoRa chip SPI pins Open simple_peripheral.syscfg in Code Composer Studio and on TI Drivers > SPI > Add a new entry for your LoRa Chip. Call this CONFIG_SPI_LORA. Configure the SPI pins, example in the screenshot.

  2. Configure LoRa chip GPIO pins (RESET and IRQ) Open simple_peripheral.syscfg in Code Composer Studio and on TI Drivers > GPIO > Add 2 new entries for RESET and IRQ: CONFIG_GPIO_LORA_RST and CONFIG_GPIO_LORA_IRQ The PIN MUX should correspond to where you connected the RESET and IRQ pins from LoRa chip to your MCU. The IRQ pin on LoRa Chip is DIO_0 in mapping mode 00 + packet mode. Consult chip datasheet.

Important: For CONFIG_GPIO_LORA_IRQ at Callback Function configuration for GPIO write Lora_Callback. This function exists in Lora.c and handles the IRQ. Example in IRQ screenshot, RESET screenshot.

  1. Add SPI code that handles SPI communication Add the SPI/ folder to your CCS project. You can use your own SPI implementation but Lora.c uses SPI_TxRx() function to write/read from SPI and buffers as defined in the working SPIDriver.c example.

  2. Add LoRa code Add Lora folder to your CCS project. Edit Lora.c and define/add your logging function (Display_printf, Log_info, etc ):

#define LOGGING_DUMMY(...)
// Change this to your logging function
#define ESPUart_WriteDebugPrintf LOGGING_DUMMY
  1. Integrate into your project

In your simple_peripheral.c file add a function to handle LoRa packet receive. Example:

void SimplePeripheral_loraRecvHandler(void) {
    uint8_t recvLen = LORA_PACKET_MAX_SIZE;
    uint8_t *buf = (uint8_t *) malloc(recvLen * sizeof(uint8_t));
    _promiscuous = true;
    bool hasRecv = Lora_recv(buf, &recvLen);
    ESPUart_WriteDebugPrintf(DEBUG_LEVEL_SPI1,"LoRa: hasRecv: 0x%02x length: %d", hasRecv, recvLen);
    if (hasRecv) {
        lora_packet_t *packet = lora_packet_from_buf(buf);
        lora_dataparsed_t *parsed = lora_packet_parse(packet);

        ESPUart_WriteDebugPrintf(DEBUG_LEVEL_SPI1,"LoRa: temperature: %f", parsed->temperature);
        ESPUart_WriteDebugPrintf(DEBUG_LEVEL_SPI1,"LoRa: pressure: %f", parsed->pressure);
        ESPUart_WriteDebugPrintf(DEBUG_LEVEL_SPI1,"LoRa: humidity: %f", parsed->humidity);
        ESPUart_WriteDebugPrintf(DEBUG_LEVEL_SPI1,"LoRa: accel x: %f y: %f z:%f", parsed->accel_x, parsed->accel_y, parsed->accel_z);



Add initialisation code to your SimplePeripheral_Init(). Example:

static void SimplePeripheral_init(void)

     /* SPI LoRa Tests */
     uint32_t lora_err = Lora_init();


  uint8_t lora_msg[] = "Hello from Lora";
  Lora_send(lora_msg, sizeof(lora_msg), 0);
  uint8_t recvLen = 0;
  bool hasRecv = Lora_recv(&lora_msg[0], &recvLen);

In your SimplePeripheral_processAppMsg(...) function add a case for LoRa messages that come from Lora_Callback() function. Example:

  switch (pMsg->event)
    case SP_CONN_EVT:
      SimplePeripheral_processConnEvt((Gap_ConnEventRpt_t *)(pMsg->pData));

  1. Add clock_gettime() dependency

Edit your project *_app.cfg and add xdc.useModule('ti.sysbios.posix.Settings');

Using library

  1. Set internal chip registers to default: Lora_reset()
  2. Init chip and set proper register values: Lora_init()
  3. Send and/or receive packets with Lora_send() / Lora_recv()
  4. As described above you should set your callback functions for packet receive using Lora_setRXHandler(). A callback for transmit finished is set using Lora_setTXHandler()

Using sensor data packets

LoraPacket.c uses a custom protocol to send data. See protocol description.

  1. Create a new packet: lora_packet_t *packet = lora_packet_new(uid, MODE)
  2. Put data into packet: lora_packet_put_datatype(packet, TYPE, VALUE)
  3. To parse a received packet: lora_packet_from_buf(); lora_packet_parse()

See below for a more complete example

LoraPacket Example

    unsigned char uid[3] = {0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc};
    lora_packet_t *packet;

    packet = lora_packet_new(uid, EXTENDED);

    lora_packet_put_datatype(packet, TEMPERATURE, 22.70);
    lora_packet_put_datatype(packet, PRESSURE, 101.70);
    lora_packet_put_datatype(packet, HUMIDITY, 85.6);

    float accell_data[] = {20.1, 30.1, 0.55 };
    lora_packet_put_datatype_multi(packet, ACCELEROMETER, accell_data, 3);

    lora_packet_t *recv_packet = lora_packet_from_buf(lora_packet_to_buf(packet));
    lora_dataparsed_t *parsed = lora_packet_parse(recv_packet);

    printf("Temperature: %.2f\n", parsed->temperature);
    printf("Pressure: %.2f\n", parsed->pressure);
    printf("Humidity: %.2f\n", parsed->humidity);
    printf("Laser Range: %.2f\n", parsed->laser_range);
    printf("Air Quality: %.2f\n", parsed->air_quality);
    printf("Accelerometer x: %.2f y: %.2f z: %.2f\n", parsed->accel_x, parsed->accel_y, parsed->accel_z);


Parts of Lora.c code borrows from RadioHead library but it has been rewritten in C to integrate easier with TI projects.