
Accompanying repo for the Amsterdam Java User Group Meetup

Primary LanguageJava


Accompanying repo for the Amsterdam Java User Group Meetup

Running the code directly

The quickest way, would be to run:

  • java -jar MeetupMemory.jar single for a single threaded example
  • java -jar MeetupMemory.jar multi for a multi threaded example

This requires Java 17. One could also build the jar themselves using gradle jar and running the resulting jar file in build/libs.`

Running in a Docker container

To build the Docker container for the examples, run:

  • docker build -t meetup .

When running the container, one should specify the following environment variable:

  • THREAD_MODE: required, either 'single' or 'multi'

It is possible to set different optional LD_PRELOAD to use jemalloc or mimalloc. Or tune any of the chosen memory allocators.

Accompanying scripts

It is also possible to do the steps above with the scripts in scripts/