Practical Python Programming for IoT
The code in this repository accompanies the Packt Book Practical Python Programming for IoT, published by Packt.
Errata - Corrections and clarifications to the published content
Chapter 1 - Setting Up Your Development Environment
Chapter 3 - RESTFul APIs and Web Socket Services with Flask
Chapter 4 - Distributed Systems with Python and MQTT
Chapter 5 - Connecting Your Raspberry Pi to the Physical World
Chapter 6 - Electronics 101 for the Software Engineer
Chapter 8 - Lights, Indicators and Displaying Information
Chapter 9 - Measuring Temperature, Humidity and Moisture
Chapter 10 - Movement with Motors, Servos and Steppers
Chapter 11 - Measuring Distance and Detecting Movement
Chapter 12 - Advanced IoT Programming Concepts - Event-Loops, Threads, PubSub & AsyncIO
Chapter 14 - Tying it Altogether - An IoT Christmas Tree