My treasures

Imagine that you are an owner of a few treasures. They can be paintings, jewelry, sculptures... Or books and movies... It's up to you! Your treasure could be a stamp collection as well:)

However, you need to manage all of your colllections.

You need a system which allows you to:

  • see the list of your treasures (e.g. by type)
  • add/edit/trash your treasures
  • monitor where your treasures are currently stored
  • rent your treasures to other people

You are going to create this kind of system. It will be a console application. At the end it will allow you to do all the things listed above and probably more. Let's start with class diagram for this system. Here are additional details:

  • each id should be genearted random number betwee 1000 and 20000
  • all attr used during initialization should be changeable (i.e. setter is needed)
  • in order to test your system, please improve bin/start.rb file (curently it onle includes a draft of interaction with user)