Docker container for OrientDB
fleetctl submit orient@{1..3}.service
fleetctl start orient@{1..3}.service
docker stop orient
docker rm orient
docker pull abcum/orientdb
# Example using Vagrant with tcp discovery
docker run --name orient -h $(hostname) -e IP=`ip route | awk '/eth1/ { print $9 }'` -e MEMBERS= -p 2424:2424 -p 2480:2480 -p 5701:5701 -d abcum/orientdb
# Example using Amazon with auto discovery
docker run --name orient -h $(hostname) -e IP=`ip route | awk '/default/ { print $9 }'` -e TCP=false -e AWS=true -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY=AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE -e AWS_SECRET_KEY=wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY -p 2424:2424 -p 2480:2480 -p 5701:5701 -d abcum/orientdb
Specify the ip address of the machine
Specify whether Hazelcast should use TCP-IP discovery
Specify other member nodes for TCP-IP discovery
Specify whether Hazelcast should use Amazon EC2 Auto discovery
Specify the Amazon region to use for Amazon EC2 Auto discovery
Specify the Amazon access key to use for Amazon EC2 Auto discovery
Specify the Amazon secret key to use for Amazon EC2 Auto discovery
Specify the Amazon EC2/VPC security group to use for Amazon EC2 Auto discovery