The first objective of this package comes from the need to get the same look and feal of a native mobile camera app but with a react component.
For those who want to build with their own css and need an abstraction of getUserMedia()
take a look of jslib-html5-camera-photo with react.
Demo of react-html5-camera-photo
npm install --save react-html5-camera-photo
yarn add react-html5-camera-photo
Both Yarn and npm download packages from the npm registry.
parameter | Description |
onCameraError(error): | Event function called when error while opening the camera. Often the permission. |
onTakePhoto(dataUri): | Event function called when a photo is taken. the dataUri is passed as a parameter. |
Minimum ES6 example
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Camera from 'react-html5-camera-photo';
class App extends Component {
onCameraError (error) {
let {code, message, name} = error;
let strError = `Camera Error: code: ${code} message: ${message} name: ${name}`;
onTakePhoto (dataUri) {
// Do stuff with the dataUri photo...
render () {
return (
<div className="App">
onCameraError = {this.onCameraError}
onTakePhoto = { (dataUri) => { this.onTakePhoto(dataUri); } }
export default App;
For more complex example checkout the demo /src/demo/AppStandardUsage.js:
Properties | Type | Description |
onCameraError(error): (required) | Event | Callback called with the error object as parameter when error occur while opening the camera. Often the permission. |
onCameraStart(): (optional) | Event | Callback called when the camera is started. |
onTakePhoto(dataUri): (required) | Event | The function called when a photo is taken. the dataUri is passed as a parameter. |
idealFacingMode (Optional) | String | The ideal facing mode of the camera, environment or user , the default is the default of the browser. |
idealResolution (Optional) | Object | Object of the ideal resolution of the camera, {width: Integer, height: Integer} , the default is the default of the browser. |
sizeFactor (Optional) | Number | Number of the factor resolution. Example, a sizeFactor of 1 get the same resolution of the camera while sizeFactor of 0.5 get the half resolution of the camera. The sizeFactor can be between range of ]0, 1] and the default value is 1 . |
- What if i want to improve the code or add functionalities?
- Please take a look into the