Bootstrap Scrollspy Directive for Angular.js

This is a replacement for Bootstrap Scrollspy in Angular.js because if you drop in default Bootstrap Scrollspy, it may act up due to refresh/render timing. Also I don't see anything available on the internet as of today as a good replacement. I wrote mine really quick and it is somewhat of a "hack" still. But it works for general use cases.

Known Limitations

  • I only coded for "vertical" scrolling.
  • The default spying parent is basically $window. I just don't have a need for spying on a DIV scrolling.
  • There is a small hack to do a $watch on $rootScope for DOM change. This allows any controllers to trigger refresh of the spy directive.


See [Bootstrap Scrollspy Documentation] ( for more information

Put this in the <body>:

<body data-target='#yourUlElement' scroll-spy=''>

Then make sure to add the id into href attribute of the nav item like below:

<ul id='yourUlElement'>
    <a href="#yourSectionId">

The data-target must be a unique element so it's safe to use id instead of class.

And that's it.