
Reading host-inventory file from source machine to create containers on remotes. CI pipeline then deploy war file and start/stop tomcat instance.


Reading host-inventory file from source machine to create containers on remotes. CI pipeline then deploy war file and start/stop tomcat instance.

containers(not dockerised yet!):

  • Name of the project should be same as given in host-inventory file, any change in name will result in non-execution of playbook.
  • project name and group are owner of container, TODO: service principal from AD will take over this?
  • Groups can have many project like: dhhs = revenue can have project's name like dhhs_abc, dhhs_abc_EFSBatch, dhhs_def.. etc
  • We are copying the tomcat and jdk from their repositories to the application destination, so future patches needs to be done individually on each jdk/tomcat(if any!).
  • JAVA_OPTS can be any and they are not comma-separated.
  • TODO: KeyStore at /tomcat/conf/server.xml are they configured with NetScaler or loadBalancer or ... ?
  • TODO: We need to change permissions on file?

host files lives here

The overall structure looks like


file: playbook.yaml
  * roles (need for input to playbook)
  * group_vars (need for input to playbook)
  * usr/local/appservers (created on control machine for output by playbook)
      * cat
          * dhhs_abc_cat
              * jdk and tomcat directory

How to run playbook

ansible-playbook application.yaml -K

Where -K = ask for privilege escalation password.

output of playbook

This is what resulted at Controlled machine(remote machine, where provisioning is being done).


