
A Maybe monad in JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript

JavaScript Maybe

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This is a simple but very useful package to wrap your data into a data type that is coping witn nullables for you. This data type is called Maybe and it'll be your best friend.

You will not have to ask if some thing is null or undefined again. Also maybe-moanda gives you a rich API to work with your types.

When you use it, you will love it.

Don't forget to check out the API docs.

This package is compatible with Nodejs and Browsers.


Only you have to do, it's run the npm install command in your proyect:

npm i maybe-monada

After that you can import it by using your favorite module system since it's been bundled for UMD:

import Maybe from 'maybe-monada' // ES2015 modules
const Maybe = require('maybe-monada') // Commonjs modules

Getting a Maybe

The most basic way to get a new Maybe is by using Maybe.of:

const a = Maybe.of(10)
const b = Maybe.of('Hello world')

Additionaly, you can get a new maybe from Just and Nothing methods:

const c = Maybe.Just(10)
const d = Maybe.Nothing()

Just gives you a Maybe with your value inside and Nothing gives you an empty Maybe. Both Just and Nothing implements the same API, so you do not have to worry about chaining operations. For instance, to apply a function with map to a Nothing, it gives you back another Nothing.

Applying functions

Maybe is a Functor, so it cames with a map method that allows you to apply a function to the value inside:

import Maybe from 'maybe-monada';

const a = Maybe.of(2)

a.map(x => x * 2) // Maybe(4)

const noValue = Maybe.Nothing();

noValue.map(x => x * 2) // Maybe

Also, you can chain several maps:

import Maybe from 'maybe-monada';

const total = Maybe(2)
const sqrt = x => Math.sqrt(x)
const double = x => x * 2

total.map(double).map(square) // Maybe(2)

Maybe.Nothing().map(double) // Maybe

In addition you can apply a two arguments function to two maybes with map2:

import Maybe from 'maybe-monada';

const add = (a, b) => a + b;

const m1 = Maybe.of(1);
const m2 = Maybe.of(2);

m1.map2(m2, add) // Maybe(3)

Unwrapping maybes

Commonly, you want to unwrap your maybes to get the raw value. maybe-monada gives you three ways to safely unrwap your values:

  1. By using the unwrap method which it will return you the value inside. Since the maybe can be Nothing, this method can raise an UnwrapException. So use it responsibly.
  2. A better option is to provide a default value just in case the maybe was Nothing. For this you can use unwrapOr which takes one param as a default value.
  3. Finally if you're planning to pass the result of a function as the default value for unwrapOr, we highly recommend you to use unwrapOrElse instead, since this method takes the function rather than the value, so it's lazily evalutated.

Also we bundled maybe-monada with an utility inspired by the case of sintax from Elm Lang wich it's called caseof:

const rawValue = Maybe.of(2).caseof({
	Just: x => x, // just the value
	Nothing: () => 0 // default value

// rawValue === 2

const anotherRawValue = Maybe.Nothing().caseof({
	Just: x => x * 2,
	Nothing: () => 2

// rawValue === 2

Also, you may have a procedure instead of functions that no return values:

	Just: x => console.log(x),
	Nothing: () => console.log('There is no thing')

// In console: There is no thing

Chaning Maybes

Sometimes it is useful to chain functions that return new maybes in order to get another maybe with the result:

const getFirstElement = list => {
	const [first] = list
	return first? Maybe.Just(first) : Maybe.Nothing()

const double = value => {
	return Maybe.Just(value * 2)


// Maybe(2)

Also you can use the alias andThen.

Zipping two maybes

It's common to have two maybes that you need to temporarily group in order to apply some function:

import Maybe from 'maybe-monada';

const add = ([a,b]) => a + b;

const m1 = Maybe.of(12);
const m2 = Maybe.of(12);

const total = m1.zipWith(m2, add) // Maybe(24)

You can check all docs out here: https://github.com/nidstang/maybe/blob/master/docs/api.md


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
