
This repository contains HTML file that is able to decompose Javascript Code and create a JSON file with an UML structure for the class. The class can be imported to ClassEditorUML

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This repository contains HTML file that is able to decompose Javascript Code and create a JSON file with an UML structure for the class. The class can be imported to ClassEditorUML. This workflow coontains two major steps:

  • convert Javascript into an Abstract Syntax Tree (parsing e,g, with ASTring
  • generate code from a given Abstract Syntax Tree.o
  • Edit object oriented javascript files e.g. https://niebert.github.io/ClassEditorUML/ and create UML diagrams with them.
  • combine workflows Javascript to AST to UML




  • For installation call a git clone and the NPM install command
  git clone https://github.com/davidbonnet/astring.git
  cd astring
  npm install


  • load javascript file (e.g. myscript.js) with the fs module from the filesystem and store the loaded string in variable str4code
  • use the variable str4code as input for the AST generator and you will obtain a JSON tree.
const fs = require('node:fs');
const astring = require('astring');
// Make sure acorn and astring modules are imported

var str4code = fs.readFileSync('./myscript.js',
    { encoding: 'utf8', flag: 'r' });
// File is Javascript in version `ecmaVersion 6` and then call the parser to generate the AST
var ast4code = acorn.parse(str4code, { ecmaVersion: 6 })
// ast4code is a tree stored as JSON - to save the AST we convert the JSON into string
var ast4str = JSON.strinify(ast4code,null,4);
// now we save the ast4str into a file `myscript.ast`
fs.writeFile('./myscript.ast', ast4str, err => {
  if (err) {
  } else {
    // AST was written successfully as file 'myscript.ast' to filesystem
    // convert AST to UML diagram