This bioinformatic pipeline will automate analysis of NGS data from CRISPR-Cas9 screen experiments. It can use MAGeCK or BAGEL2 for statistical analysis.
- pip3
- Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
- Python 3
- R
- FastQC
- MultiQC
- Bowtie2
- Cutadapt
- pigz (if not installed gunzip will be used, but will be slower)
Installation from the command line:
git clone
The CRISPR-tools
directory can be permanently added to $PATH by adding the following line to your ~/.bashrc
export PATH=/home/path/to/CRISPR-tools:$PATH
OPTIONAL: to enable auto-completion of the command line options for the CRISPR library and analysis (-l
and -a
), add this line to your ~/.bashrc
source /path/to/CRISPR-tools/
To install all software dependencies, make sure pip3 and a JRE (Ubuntu/MacOS) are installed, and then run the
file from the command line as follows:
CRISPR libraries can be configured in the library.yaml
file (located in the CRISPR-tools
folder), as follows:
fasta: /home/niek/Documents/references/fasta/Human/Bassik-library/bassik_lib.fasta
index_path: /home/niek/Documents/references/bowtie2-index/bassik/bassik
read_mod: clip
species: human
index_path: "/home/niek/Documents/references/bowtie2-index/moffat_tko1/moffat_tko1"
read_mod: trim
sg_length: 20
species: human
Explanation of library.yaml
- The path to the fasta file must be set with
(fasta files for a variety of CRISPR libraries can be found in theAddgene_CRISPR_libraries_FASTA
folder). - The entry for
can be left empty, as the Bowtie2 index can be made during the analysis (will be added to this yaml file automatically) - If a CRISPR library has a fixed sgRNA length, then the length of the sgRNA must be set with the
variable. Additionaly, setread_mod
as "trim". - If a CRISPR library has variable sgRNA lengths, then
should be set and "clip" andclip_seq
should contain the vector sequence downstream of the sgRNA sequence.
Note: before the first run with any CRISPR library only the fasta file has to be provided, as the index file will be created if it is missing, and will be added to the library.yaml
Important: when a variable is not used (e.g. clip_seq
for a fixed sgRNA length CRISPR library), it should be left empty, see example.
Create a main folder (can be any name) for the analysis that contains the subfolder
, which contains the fastq.gz files. -
If you want to rename your sequencing files (the files names will be used as sample names for the MAGeCK analsysis so it is recommended to abbreviate them), then this can be set with the
file that should be located in the main analysis folder. On each line put the existing file name and the desired new file name, separated by a semi-colon (do not include any white space), for example:
The rename.config
file should be placed in the main analysis folder.
If your samples contain sequencing data from amplifications of the CRISPR library itself, then these can be named pre
and post
, with pre
being the pre-amplification DNA (i.e. what was delivered from Addgene), and with post
being the post-amplification DNA (i.e. your own maxiprep of the CRISPR library). Renaming these samples in this way, will trigger a comparative analysis of these two samples that will show any skew in sgRNA numbers (depicted by the GINI index). A good library amplification will maintain the same sgRNA number skew as the original prep.
- If you want to perform a comparative analysis between samples using MAGeCK or BAGEL2, then a
file has to be created, for example:
c: reference sample, t: test sample. In the MAGeCK output file: neg rank(genes that drop out in test sample)/pos rank(genes that are overrepresented in test sample).
The stats.config
file should be placed in the main analysis folder.
- To get an overview of all the options for the CRISPR analysis, type
path/to/ -h, --help
in the command line:
usage: [-h] -l {CRISPR library}
[-t <int>] [-r] [-m N] [-a {mageck,bagel2}] [-f <FDR value>]
[-c <CCLE cell line>] [--go] [--skipfastqc]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l {CRISPR library}, --library {CRISPR library}
CRISPR library
-t <int>, --threads <int>
Number of CPU threads to use (default is 1). Use max
to apply all available CPU threads
-r, --rename Rename fastq files according to rename.config
-m N, --mismatch N Number of mismatches (0 or 1) allowed during alignment
-a {mageck,bagel2}, --analysis {mageck,bagel2}
Statistical analysis with MAGeCK or BAGEL2. Default is
-f <FDR value>, --fdr <FDR value>
Set FDR cut off for MAGeCK hits (default is 0.25)
-c <CCLE cell line>, --cnv <CCLE cell line>
Activate CNV correction for MAGeCK/BAGEL2 with given
cell line
--go Gene set enrichment analysis with enrichR
--skip-fastqc Skip FastQC/MultiQC analysis
To start an analysis, for example with the Bassik whole-genome CRISPR library, navigate to main analysis folder in the command line and run: -l bassik -r -t max
This initiates a run that will rename your samples according to rename.config
, allows no mismatches during alignment, will use all available CPU threads for the analysis, and uses MAGeCK for statistical analysis. The FDR cut off to determine significant hits is set at 0.25, and can be changed with the -f/--fdr
If you also want to use BAGEL2 for statistical analysis afterwards, simply run: -l bassik -a bagel2
This will only run BAGEL2 and skip all steps that are common with MAGeCK.
Both MAGeCK and BAGEL2 have the possibility to correct the effects from copy number variations. To enable this feature the -c
flag can be added to the command line.
Finally, if you decide to add more samples to the analysis folder, or more comparisons in the stats.config
then these can be analysed without overwriting previous data.
Several folder/files will be generated:
: contains FastQC and MultiQC analyses on the fastq.gz files.count
: contains the sgRNA counts in individual files, and counts of all files collated in one file (counts-aggregated.tsv
, MAGeCK input file). It also contains a normalised version ofcounts-aggregated.tsv
.library analysis
: contains the analyses of the pre and post library amplification samples.mageck
: contains the MAGeCK output files. It will also contain plots of the results with the top 10 genes marked.bagel2
: contains the BAGEL2 output files. It will also contain plots of the results with the top 10 genes marked.
If your experiment consists of just pre and post library amplification samples (e.g. the Yusa Mouse library), rename your fastq files to pre.fq.gz
and post.fq.gz
, and then start the analysis as follows: -l yusa-mouse
This will run FastQC/MultiQC to check the quality of the fastq files, and because there are no experimental samples, only the CRISPR library analysis will be run.
The count directory will contain the alignment-rate.pdf
file that gives an overview of the alignment rates of all the fastq files:
The library-analysis directory will contain four files: