

This is a project that demonstrates RESTful API with Nodejs. This project contains a small set of rest API endpoints using Nodejs that lists the names of star wars movies along with their opening crawls and comment counts, adding and listing anonymous comments for a movie, and getting the character list for a movie.

You can find the hosted documentation on https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/12205886/UVXnFZ34

Set Up

Environment Variables

The environment variables required to run the app are DB_NAME, DB_HOST, DB_PASSWORD, NODE_ENV, DB_USERNAME, and URL. All of these must be set for the project to work properly.

Running the App locally

Create a mysql db and run migrations with the command: npx sequelize db:migrate

- Run npm install

- Run npm run dev (to start the app using nodemon) OR npm start.

Running the App using Docker


- Docker for Desktop

Run docker-compose up in the root of the project. This will start the Docker app and run the DB migrations.

It will bring up Mysql and the Nodejs application server in development mode.

It binds the application server to localhost:6000

You can connect to mysql by changing the values for the DB_HOST to db and the DB_PASSWORD to example.