
iOS App using the marvel API

Primary LanguageSwift


and some Villans

This an App exercise using the Marvel API that will show the character from marvel, with sort and search options, you can navigate into each character, to view the comics, and also you can go to the comic detail.


The UI is simple, you can find both options light and dark, this levarage the use of color inside the assets.


This app is built Xcode 11.5 and Swift 5.0

A pod install and ⌘+R will do the trick.

Enviroment Variables

You can pass this variable to modify the behavior of the app

  • START_VIEW = [test | characterList | sortFilter | comics | none] : this will be used to change the first view the app will load.

  • MARVEL_API_KEY = String




The app contains a small set of test (i will like to increase the coverage) each one of the test was used at development time to increase the speed of the feedback.

the SnapShotTest should be run on a iPhone 11

Data provided by Marvel. © 2020 MARVEL



This library was built for this app, to simplofy the implemetation of the collection view, reducing the boileplate code.

You will need to provide 2 classes based on the CollectionViewSection and the CollectionViewItem

Then on this you can create a CollectionViewDataSource and CollectionViewDelegate to be passed to a CollectionViewController

With this the BaseListCollectionViewController was created, with the idea to use a single model (BaseModel) to represent the information on the app.


The approach was to build the sort and filter, agnostic of the data that is being affected, it's a view controller, that you will add as a child and cominicate with it via SortAndFilterViewModelOutput


It's all based on URLSession with the BaseAPIProtocol you will need to implent 2 fetch methods, this approach takes sense we you see the MockedBaseAPI that will use json to prevent hits on the API for tests and a faster Development Cycle.


Here you can find the resolution of the depencies of each of the modules of the app. The idea is to have a single place to see how each module it's built, in a larger app this can be separated on different files, something like one per module.


This one is in charge of getting all the images, it uses a ImageRepositoryProtocol so it can be mocked, also implements Cache in a simple way using URLCache also has a method of downsampleImage the idea of this method is to match the size of the element that the image will be presented, so it performs better since the image will be smaller.


all the external data it's requested via this repository, that will use an interchangeable DataSources like it's done with the MarverlComicsDataSource and MarverlCharacterDataSource each one will use a different mapper to create a BaseModel.


there is a lot to improve in a quick project like this one, this are some things i will like to improve:

  • Animations

  • Better dependency injection

  • Improve the test coverage

  • Implement a generic approach to the UITest to reflect the intention of the tests more easly

  • Improved UI

  • Pagination