
Pure-Swift meta-programming

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Pure-Swift meta-programming

Proof-of-concept pure Swift code-generator that runs on top of Sourcery.


Sourcerer consists of a series of swift modules that you can import into your macOS application to load the information that Sourcery extracts from Swift sources, the SourceryRuntime.Types object.

  • SourcererArchiver uses Sourcery to write an archive of the SourceryRuntime.Types object to the disk.
  • SourcererUnarchiver unarchives the SourceryRuntime.Types object into the running application.
  • SourceryRuntime is required by the unarchiver to load the archive information.
  • SourcererTypes and SourcererRenderer contain some helpers and extensions to SourceryRuntime.Types.

Sample project

The sample project is a command-line tool that extracts metrics (not necessarily 100% accurate) from the analyzed sources.

To see what the generated reports look like, check the Samples folder. There you can find the result of analyzing Sourcery's source code with sourcerer.

To see how it works, take a look at the sample sources:

$ git clone https://github.com/hectr/swift-sourcerer.git
$ cd swift-sourcerer
$ pod install
$ open sourcerer.xcworkspace

Note: after pod install you may see the following message:

[!] The version of CocoaPods used to generate the lockfile (1.6.0.beta.2) is higher than the version of the current executable (1.5.3). Incompatibility issues may arise.

In that case, you need to install CocoaPods 1.6.0.beta.2 and run pod install again:

$ gem install cocoapods --pre
$ pod install

After that, the Vendor/SourceryRuntime folder should contain Sourcery's files required to run the project, if this is not the case, execute the install_sourcery_runtime.sh script manually and re-run pod install.


Steps to get started using Sourcerer in your own project:

  • Create a new macOS project (e.g. Example):

  • pod init

  • Set up dependencies (Podfile):

target 'Example' do
  # archive
  pod 'SourcererArchiver', :git => 'https://github.com/hectr/swift-sourcerer.git'
  # unarchive
  pod 'SourcererUnarchiver', :git => 'https://github.com/hectr/swift-sourcerer.git'
  pod 'SourceryRuntime', :git => 'https://github.com/hectr/swift-sourcerer.git'
  • Implement initial code (main.swift):
import SourceryRuntime
import SourcererArchiver
import SourcererUnarchiver

let ignoreUnknownArguments = false
let archive = GenerateTypesArchive().execute
let unarchive = UnarchiveTypesFromPath().execute

let typesArchivePath = try archive(ignoreUnknownArguments)
let types = try unarchive(typesArchivePath)

print("- There are \(types.protocols.count) protocols.")
print("- There are \(types.structs.count) structs.")
print("- There are \(types.classes.count) classes.")
  • Execute it with at least these two command line arguments: (1) the path to the Sourcery executable (--sourcery-path) and (2) the path to the sources (--sources):

Example --sourcery-path /path/to/sourcery --sources /path/to/sources/