
Mobile device host and player controllers interact in real-time for a game of Jeopardy.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Developer Jeopardy

Host and player controllers for Mack Flavelle's Developer Jeopardy meetup. http://www.meetup.com/Vancouver-Tech-Co-Founders/events/86554782

Developer Jeopardy


First, modify app.js and set the URL to your app. Look for this line and update it:

var appUrl = 'http://example.com/path/to/devjep';

Then from the terminal run,

node app.js

To display the host controller navigate to [base_url]/trebek.

Now to display the main screen navigate to [base_url]/screen.

The link for players to join will automagically appear on the screen or you can manually enter [base_url]/player.


  • The node modules are already in there so npm install shouldn't be necessary.
  • This is not a secure implementation. Hopefully you're in a situation where you can trust your users not to cheat.
  • Thanks to Kazuhiko Arase for his Javascript QR code library.
  • Thanks to Peter Darche for his open-RTTI work which was my first time seeing node.js and sockets.io in action and on which this project is based.