
Example rails app using the new neo4j-ruby-driver as the adaoptor for the neo4j gem.

Primary LanguageRuby


This is an exmple of how to use the new neo4j-ruby-driver with neo4j on rails.

You will need to install seabolt on you system to make this work. There are instructions here. For Mac I recommend using this homebrew tap instead of the instructions on that page.

This example uses:

  • Ruby version: 2.6.5

  • Rails version: 6.0.0

  • Neo4j version: 9.6.0

  • Neo4j ruby driver version: 0.1.5

To build you own rails app from scratch:

  • rails new myapp -m http://neo4jrb.io/neo4j/neo4j.rb -O

  • Create config/neo4j.yml from the example in this app

  • Modify neo4j.yml with your own settings

  • Copy config/initializers/neo4j.rb from this app to your own app

  • Start a rails console (bundle exec rails c) and write Neo4j::ActiveBase.current_session. The result should contain the line that looks like this:

@uri=#<URI::Generic bolt://neo4j:password@localhost:7687>