####Fancy is a drop-in system that lets you take your static HTML code and add dynamically editable code. Unlike other CMSs (like WordPress) you don't have to design your website around Fancy. You can design the website as if it was only ever going to be updated by manually editing the code. Fancy will then do all of the heavy lifting. Giving your clients a powerful editor to update their website. Hassle free. Not only is the editor super easy to use; it gets out of your way when you want to do more advanced work.
Go to http://fancyxht.ml for more information.
#Demo You can view a live demo at http://fancyxht.ml/demo and view its dashboard at http://fancyxht.ml/demodash.
#Install Put the dashboard folder somewhere that can run PHP, go to the dashboard folder on a web browser and follow the instructions.