
Rtsp Server app for Raspberry Pi

Primary LanguageC++


Development Environment

This project is run in Visual Studio 2022 Cross compiling on Raspberry Pi.

Project Setup

Setup the Pi

Add SSH connection

  • In VS 2022: Tools->Options->Cross Platform->Connection Manager.
  • Click Add and enter SSH connection information.

Running the application

Copy the output file to /home/pi/GstRtspServer.out Sample run commands:

  • For test signal:
    /home/pi/GstRtspServer.out --gst-debug=3 '( videotestsrc ! video/x-raw,width=1280,height=720 ! clockoverlay ! textoverlay text="FAKE CAM 1" valignment=center halignment=left font-desc="Sans, 72" ! x264enc ! rtph264pay name=pay0 pt=96 )'
  • For Camera Source: (See "Installing Pi Camera" below) /home/pi/GstRtspServer.out --gst-debug=3 --port=8554 '( rpicamsrc bitrate=8000000 awb-mode=indoor preview=false ! video/x-h264, width=1280, height=720, framerate=30/1 ! h264parse ! rtph264pay name=pay0 pt=96 )'

Note: need sudo if using port 554 (I dont know why!!)

To start at boot up: sudo nano /etc/rc.local

add the run command above in the file.

Installing Pi Camera

(This is now depreciated)
git clone https://github.com/thaytan/gst-rpicamsrc.git
cd gst-rpicamsrc
sudo make install