
PHP wrapper for Telegram bots (outdated, unsupported)

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

PHP Telegram Wrapper

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PHP wrapper for Telegram bots


This project uses Composer. To use the project, just add it to your dependencies.

$ composer require hetisniels/telegram-wrapper

Without Composer

It is possible you dont like Composer or you just want to get the source and use it. In this case download the latest release in releases page. Note: You need to make your own autoloader for this to work!

Sample usage


class HelloWorldCommand implements \Telegram\Commands\ICommand
	public function call($name, $arguments, $caller)
		$keyboard = $caller->getBot()->createKeyboard(); // Alternative: $keyboard = new KeyboardBuilder();
		$keyboard = $keyboard->button('A')->button('B')->row()->button('C')->button('D')->row()->setResizable(true)->setOneTime(true)->keyboard();
		$caller->reply('Hello World!', false, $keyboard);
	public function getDescription()
		return 'Sends the popular "Hello World" text.';
	public function getUsage()
		return '<command>';

$bot = new Telegram\Bot('API_TOKEN');
$bot->addCommand('helloworld', new HelloWorldCommand());

And now, just send the message "/helloworld" to the bot!


$bot = new Telegram\Api('API_TOKEN');

$bot->getUpdates(); // Returns array of Update

An custom command handler is needed when using the API. The API provides only the methods & types from Telegram.