Astronomy and Geology Lovers - APOD Viewer

Welcome to AGL's Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) Viewer! This web application allows users to explore stunning astronomical images and information based on the NASA APOD API.


  • APOD Viewer: Explore a vast collection of astronomy pictures and their explanations.
  • Date Selection: Select a specific date to view the APOD content for that day.
  • Dark Mode: Toggle between light and dark themes for a personalized viewing experience.

Technologies Used

  • HTML5 & CSS3: Structuring and styling the web application.
  • JavaScript: DOM manipulation, asynchronous operations, and API integration.
  • NASA APOD API: Fetching current astronomical data based on selected dates.
  • Font Awesome: Integration of icons for improved visual representation.

How to Use

  1. Installation:

    • Clone the repository: git clone <repository_url>
    • Navigate to the project directory.
  2. Usage:

    • Open index.html in your preferred web browser.
  3. Interaction:

    • Enter a date in the input field and click "Get APOD" to view the astronomical picture and explanation.
    • Toggle dark mode by clicking the "Dark Mode" button for a different visual theme.
    • Explore astronomical wonders!


  • Nielzon Tolentino - Developer & Maintainer



This project is licensed under the MIT License