Travel diary

Table of contents


This simple app allows you to quickly add/edit/delete short notes. When you type valid city Travel diary will make API call to external app - WeatherAPI and then attach the current temperature in that city to your note. Travel diary uses jquery to make views more responsive. Currently, you can only log in thorough google. Travel diary is also deployed on Heroku


  • Ruby 2.7.0
  • Rails
  • Postgresql 1.2.3
  • jquery-rails 4.4.0


Fork respository and ensure you have postgresql installed.Then run:

$ rake db:create db:migrate 

IMPORTANT! Beacuse Travel Diary uses Google to authenticate if you run this app locally you will not be able to log in because Google is now aware of you email. Therefore, I recommend to use only the procution version to test this app.


Soon will come.