
One day intensive course that takes students from beginning to intermediate HTML and CSS. Originally developed by Pamela Fox.


One day intensive course that takes students from beginning to intermediate HTML and CSS. Originally developed by Pamela Fox.

Prerequisite The students should be familiar with the web as a user, but do not need to have any programming or markup language experience.

Materials Each lesson includes:

Slides: An HTML5-based slideset (not a PowerPoint) which actually embeds the actual HTML tags being described in order to better demonstrate them. In-class example: An example of what the teacher should build up during the course of the lesson, switching between talking over the slides and demonstrating the concepts in the example page. Exercise(s): These can be started in class and then continued outside of it, and the teacher can decide when to reveal the solution for the exercises. For the most part, the solution to an exercise serves as the starting point for the next exercise. Additional Reading: Links that teachers can recommend students read after a lesson. Related Resources: Slides or tutorials that were useful in the creation of the lesson content. Teachers can visit these to get an idea of how other people present the content. Room for Improvement: A list of ways that the particular lesson might be improved. The materials from the above lessons(slides, examples, exercises) can be downloaded in this zip file.

Related Resources The content for the slides was based on consultation with a number of fantastic online resources, including the HTML5 specification, WASP Interact Curriculum, and the Opera Web Standards Curriculum. Those are recommended reading for teachers of this course.

History This course was given by Pamela Fox on April 15, 2012 as part of GirlDevelopIt in San Francisco, California. The course was delivered on a single Saturday, starting at 9:30am and ending at 6pm.