

- [Software Carpentry Scientific Python Course (Beginner)](
- [Network Science and Statistics: Fundamentals and Applications (Intermediate)]( - [Deep Learning for Image Recognition (Beginner)]( - [NumPy (Beginner)]( - [Symbolic Compution with Python using SymPy (Beginner)]( - [Bokeh for Data Applications and Visualization (Intermediate)]( - [Simulating Robot, Vehicle, Spacecraft, and Animal Motion with Python (Advanced)]( - [Data Science is Software: Developer #lifehacks for the Python Data Scientist (Intermediate)]( - [Numba: Tell those C++ bullies to get lost (Intermediate)](
- [Time Series Analysis with Python (Intermediate)]( - [Machine Learning with scikit-learn (Intermediate)]( - [Matplotlib Tutorial (Beginner)]( - [Parallel Python: Analyzing Large Datasets (Intermediate)]( - The Google compute clusters used during the workshop may not work in the future. - [Scikit-image: Image analysis in Python (Intermediate)]( - [Analyzing and Manipulating Data with Pandas (Beginner)]( - [Scalable Hierarchical Parallel Computing (Intermediate)]( - [Geographic Data Science with PySAL and the pydata stack (Beginner)](